Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Totara Elephant perspective

In tortara Whaunau again we are doing more art and I chose a really cool art that involves an Elephant. The items we are using are acrylic paint and water color paint first we have to make a background but only using water color paint ONLY!!!  We just have to use different colors and do nice colours that blend but not to big and fat. After we have done out background we have to get a big piece of paper and draw a Big Elephant in pencil ONLY   Then when we have finished drawing the Elephant we get Acrylic paint and make a grey color and paint the Elephant grey. After we finally finish the Elephant you leave your background in water color out to dry and  wait patiently. When our Background is dry we can cut out the Elephant carefully but you can only cut the Elephant when it is dry. When it is dry then Cut it out. When your Elephant and your background are both dry get PVA glue not a hot glue then stick your elephant on your background. When you have done that  In the background draw a mini tree and a mini elephant. Something that challenged me in my art was getting the colors mixed up and to blend them in together. Also In our learning we are doing our noticing muscle I used the noticing muscle when I noticed that I needed to redo my background because it looked stripey and that is my revising muscle too. If I could go back and do my background again I would make it purple pink and blue. 

                Here is my Elephant
Here is my background

Friday, 15 July 2016

Tortara Matariki Hand games

In tortara we have been learning about Matariki in different ways of learning.
Matariki is all about the Maori new year.

Matariki is very important for anyone even if their not Maori. Lots of people do special things for Matariki like festivities. We learnt the names of the seven sisters also named as the Seven Stars. The seven sisters are seven stars in the sky at night on Matariki. The names of the Seven sisters are Tupu-a-rangi , Matariki , Tupu-a-nuku , Waiti ,Waita , Unu-a-rangi and Tupu-a-rangi. They are the names of seven stars or seven sisters.
Tortara whaunau learnt a lot about Matariki. On Matariki a lot of people celebrate by having delicious hangis. Matariki starts in June. 
It was Matariki and so Toratara had Maori people from the Maori dance club of Matarki come and teach us some really cool Maori hand games. First thing they said was KIA ORA!!! of course that was like their favorite word to say. So one of the Maori hand games we played were knuckle bones and the Maori word for knuckle bones were Koruru.
The other Maori game was hand games and one of them was called he hipi toi toi. He hipi toi toi is a cool game were you only need 2 people and your hands if you tipe up He hipi toi toi you can learn how to play it. The other game was called Tu Tama that is just the same as He hipi toi toi. The other game is hand string games they were pretty cool. The string games were you like make designs with string using your hands. We made a Waka is the Maori name for a canoe. Another thing we made were called the 2 diamonds the 2 diamonds is were we have a outside of the string then we have a shape of the 2 diamonds inside of them but that was pretty hard and I had to use my persevernace learning muscle. Those were some of the Maori games we played. My favorite game
was probably the Knuckle bones. 
Something that challenged me was doing the 2 diamonds in the string hand games.  A lot of things challenged me the games like the string games and the knuckle bones. The learning muscle I stretched to get out of the learning pit was my noticing muscle I noticed that my waka wasn't right so I went up and asked for help. Also I used my collaboration muscle Nevaveh was stuck so I went to help I loved doing the Maori hand games they were fun and I learnt lots about Matariki and I can't wait till next year to do this again
                                                       Kia ora

 Here is Lucky teaching us knuckle bone levels

Here is when we were learning the Matariki  game hey tuma tuma